Style Makes the Man
To promote and build awareness of Unilever's latest Axe Product Line - Axe White Label, CraveOnline created a 3 part Custom Video Series - INSPIRED that we aligned with Axe White Label branding and Rich Media Integrations on
The Treatment
INSPIRED is a documentary series featuring 3 fashion stylists who help their music, sports, and entertainment clients take the leap from aspiration to action. Episodes will explore each stylists’ story, what inspires them, how they developed their clients’ most memorable fashion moments, and what they aspire to create in the future.
With the Long Form style of the Video Series – with each video topped at 110 minutes – the Video Graphics required for this series had to be simple, concise and straight to the point. Anything too long would cause dropoff in viewership and anything too indepth would be overbearing and bury the essense of the Series. Moverover, this was the first Video Series to Launch on CraveOnline using it’s NEW Branding.
To watch each of the Videos in their entirety click below:
Getting “IN” on it
The emphasis of the "IN" in “INSPIRED” with the square motif is a personification of the “IN”fluencer. How this person is “In the know…”, a leader in their field standing on a soap box elevating their passion to the masses. The animation of the lines represents Ideation, the birth of an idea and that spark that inspires innovation and greatness and thus ending in fruition of influence. The colors in the interior represent the different Sections on and other topics that could possibly be covered in future INSPIRED Video Series. The blurred transition from the INSPIRED Title Treatment to the subtitle is a foreshadowing of the same effect used throughout the Video Series.
This is the end…
To further promote the NEW Crave branding we created a custom End Title sequence to close out each video. The animation played off the implied forward slash created by the minimalist capital “A” and “V”. This End Sequence has been used in other CraveOnline Video Series and Offline Campaigns.
Social Touts
The Video Series was distributed using multiple vehicles from Publisher Proprietary Syndication Units, Video Players as well Socially Seeded via Crave’s Social Networks and that of the Influencers. We created a “Take Away” piece that the Publisher, Influencer and Viewer could share across their Social Network of choice further promoting the Video Series. Designed for Instagram – the ”Social Tout” as we coined it could easily be shared on Facebook news feeds and Twitted. We capitalized on Instagram’s latest feature of posting a 3-15 sec clip in their 640x640 pixel spec with sound.
Given such a small window of time and even smaller design plain we made use of each second and pixel. Within each Social Tout we were able to promote:
- Publisher Brand
- Franchise Brand
- Video Teaser
- Inspiring Quote from the Influencer
- Call To Action to View the Video in it's entirety