The D.A.Y. Coalition - Doctor's Against Yawns
Helping tired citizens from the ever infectious YAWN
To promote MiO's Liquid Water Enhancer new "Energy" product line they partnered with to create a custom destination - The Doctor's Against Yawns (D.A.Y.) Coalition website to inform consumers of the ever increasing epidemic of "Yawning" and how to preserve productivity through D.A.Y. Yawn Research.
To guide visitors through the menagerie of research we invited the smart-talking, fast-thinking and intelligent founder of the D.A.Y. Coalition - Dr. Don T. Yohnomo to be featured in a series of Yawn Case Study Videos along with informative articles to educate visitors from symptoms of Yawns with D.A.Y.'s "Top 10 Yawn Facts" to the quick "Survival Guide" for those whom require immediate assistance.
Opening Sequence for each video. Worked closely with our Animator at Pixelshards, Inc. in the Philippines - Brian Pompa.
We were inspired by public service annoucements of the 80's like that from PBS.
The Mark, The Icon, The Crest
We played around with a handful of iconic imagery and the two that we moved forward with are that of Yawning Face and of a Rooster Yawning.
The Rooster Yawning merged two opposing ideas together like that of a oxymoron. Yawning the abosolute opitomy of lack of motiviation and productivity and the Rooster - a well known icon of early morning wake-up calls and signifies the start of a new day. We went forward with the The Yawning face as it was more relatable to the user and easily read and understood as each of us have felt and look that way at some point during the day.
+ Creative Director: Manuel Donayre | Project Manager: Daniel DeSantis

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