DEVICE/PLATFORMS Desktop Computer/Website | PRO BONO | TOOLS Trello + Slack + Google Sheets/Forms + Sketch + Invision
TEAM Leny E. (Project & Visual Lead) + Sabina P. (IA Lead + User Research) + Rouen P. (Research Lead)

For more in-depth insight into the UX process please view the presentation deck or continue below.

Left: Existing Homepage + Right: Medium fidelity wireframe of proposed layout.
Conducting User Research to uncover core problems
We interviewed and conducted contextual inquiries with a bevy of Women Business Owners - members and non-members of to get insights on how they interacted with the site specifically, homepage and add business “on-boarding” process what was information they deemed vital in signing-up for such services. Below are some of the insights gathered.

Applying the LIFT model to increase/optimize conversion
As we dove deeper into user research we discovered one of the major business problems was how to better promote the value of apply for a membership to We applied the concepts from the LIFT model to the homepage in conjunction with layer cake design principles.

Clockwise: Existing Our Story Page + Medium fidelity wireframes of proposed "Our Story" & "Our Mission" Pages + Documentation of contextual inquiry & cord sorting.

Clockwise: Existing On Boarding Page + Medium fidelity wireframes of proposed "On Boarding" steps + Documentation of contextual inquiry & user insights
Screen capture of clickable prototype created with InVision of the final medium fidelity wireframes that address user insights recorded from the user insights below. For a more in-depth walk-through of the prototype please, contact me for a in-person demonstration.
User Testing to solidify assumptions of proposed solutions
After the third round of wireframes we conducted User Testing using paper prototypes. Below are some user insights we gathered and then applied to the final medium fidelity wireframes and clickable prototype.