DEVICE/PLATFORM iPhone 6s/iOS | CONCEPT PROJECT | TOOLS Trello + Slack + Google Forms + Sketch + PS + Axure
TEAM MEMBERS Leny E. (Project & Visual Lead) + Kate D. (IxD Lead) + David K. (Research Lead) + Stephanie M. (IA Lead)
Bwwob bwwwobbubwub, floovb floovb vwomp…vwomp - I know what your thinking “What’s that suppose to mean?” It’s the sound of when a car’s engine is low on coolant and a sound of a flat tire. We’ve probably heard those sounds at one point or another. When we did - did we really know what it meant? Moreover, did we know what to do once we finally realized what the problem was? – probably not. With the My KBB app this was one of many uncertainties we addressed for user’s trying to self-diagnose their car problems.
Please continue to view details of the project and UX Design process.
Business Goals
Putting the “Me” back in “Mechanic”
Kelly Blue Book wants to delve into a NEW aspect of the vehicle arena that focuses on leveraging Augmented Reality technology to assist users in self diagnosing their car problems with a My KBB Expert. Thereby, still operating within the same vein as their existing business model of providing vehicle valuation by educating users and providing instant access to a network of mechanics vetted by KBB.
User Research
Understanding how users address their car problems
In order to fully understand the breadth of user's car problems we conducted an online survey utilizing Google Forms tandem with user interviews. We gained insight to what users faced when self-diagnosing their car problems and how they approached it. One of the key insights from the survey was that users were more reactive when came to car maintenance - the attitude that most users had was “I’ll take care of it when it happens.”
Digging through the competition to reveal the key features
There were a bevy of roadside assistance and car diagnostic mobile apps in the market. Yet, there was not one that was quite in line with the My KBB app. We reviewed a number of apps that addressed various user needs and My KBB business goals (View in-depth Comparative Analysis). The one app that we constantly referred to was Your Mechanic.
How leveraging AR addresses the user’s needs
With the comparative analysis, insights from the user interviews and researching AR technology it was quite surprising how AR was not being leveraged in the car diagnostic arena - it is literally nonexistent. The AR Technology that is currently out there is manufacturer-specific such as Hyundai AR App which is more of a ”digital” user manual and does not really aid in “diagnosing.” Common themes from the users were their need for “HUMAN INTERACTION” and ability to EASILY OBTAIN & DIGEST car knowledge - hence utilizing the AR technology to garner such interaction and transfer of car knowledge with a real-life person; the My KBB Expert.
Solidifying the user’s problem and their solution
Creating a flow that bridges the gap between consumer and mechanic
• PAIN POINT The user wanting to self-diagnose their car problem.
• SOLUTIONS Once the user has completed self-diagnosing their car problem he/she is now empowered with the
knowledge to address their car problem. The user can choose to connect with a mechanic or fix it themselves.
• RESOLVE The user will always have the opportunity to connect instantly with a KBB Expert and access to pre-
negotiated rates that meet industry standards and best practices.
Test, Test and Test some more…
We conducted a number of usability tests with a medium-fidelity prototype. Below is an overview of the methodology used and the key insights. If you would like to run through the medium-fidelity prototype please reach out for an in-person demonstration.
Key Insights
Iterate, refine & repeat…to find one solidified solution
We began our sketching and wire framing process by conducting a design studio where we iterated and refined on different concepts to solidify one unifying solution for the app.
Medium Fidelity Wireframes
Prior to beginning the project we agreed to utilize Axure to create our wireframes and prototype. We choose Axure as it allowed for more functionality specifically, rotate page orientation. To avoid unnecessary work and not pull "double-duty" we divided up the wireframe based on the different phases the app amongst the Team Members. This allowed each of us to take on the wireframe task and learn Axure.
Addressing users pain points with insightful visual choices
With the key findings from the user research, problem and users pain points in hand we took this time to flush-out the overall aesthetic of the app. During this process we kept the below key points in mind:
The Solution
Once the aesthetic of the high fidelity mocks was solidified, we reviewed it with our colleagues and addressed the user’s insights gathered from the usability testing. We worked on the prototype and added the interaction in Axure. For a more in-depth walk-through of the Prototype please, contact me for a in-person demonstration.
Augmented Reality
For the Augmented Reality feature we leveraged Google Hangout's DRAW plug-in. At the moment the technology is only available on desktop. Below is a demonstration of how the AR video call with a KBB Expert would function on mobile.
1) STABILIZE The KBB Expert would first direct the user to stabilize their video camera on their car engine.
2) INITIALIZE This initializes the AR Software and allows it to register key points for the expert to accurately direct
the car diagnostic
3) VOCALIZE The KBB Expert vocalizes the car diagnostic step-by-step
4) VISUALIZE The KBB Expert visually draws on the actual view of the car engine to point-out exactly where and
what the user out to do in their physical space to remedy the Car Problem
Next Steps
We realized that after a user went through self-diagnosing their car problems they typically don’t follow through in repairing the car problem themselves. They prefer to save their time and money and search for a trusted mechanic. We plan on addressing this further by furthering by including features that allow users to directly book services with a mechanic through the app as well as pay directly through the app using trusted third-party vendors as Apple Pay, Google Wallet and Paypal.
Having dual roles one as the Project Lead and Visual Lead weighed heavy on my shoulders and mind.
In order to balance my role as Project Lead and Visual Lead, I dedicated our mornings to stand-ups and established check-ins in the afternoon to stay on task and meet project deadlines. I avoided micro-managing the project and was transparent with the team when I was in need of assistance when I required dedicated time to focus on the Visual Aspect of the project.
“Leny was instrumental in helping execute our MyKBB app. Working alongside her was a true pleasure. She guided our team, always giving us any support we needed. Her background as an art director integrated very well in this project and was a testament to her leadership and collaboration skills. Leny is also one of the most talented, creative, and insightful designers I've met. She puts a great emphasis designing purposefully and consistently produces elegant and beautifully designed experiences.”
- Stephanie Morales, UX Designer
Icons created by Arthur Shlain from the Noun Project